Friday, February 17, 2012
GST Reforms and Intergovernmental Considerations in India
Working Paper No.1/2009-DEA
GST Reforms and Intergovernmental
Considerations in India
Satya Poddar
Ehtisham Ahmad
March 2009
Department of Economic Affairs
Ministry of Finance
Government of India
GST Reforms and Intergovernmental Considerations in India
Satya Poddar and Ehtisham Ahmad*
1. Introduction................................................................................................................. 3
2. The Current Taxes and Their Shortcomings ............................................................... 4
A. Taxation at Manufacturing Level............................................................................ 5
B. Exclusion of Services.............................................................................................. 5
C. Tax Cascading......................................................................................................... 6
D. Complexity.............................................................................................................. 7
3. Objectives of Tax Reform........................................................................................... 9
A. Basic Objectives...................................................................................................... 9
B. Fiscal Autonomy and Harmonization................................................................... 10
C. Centre and State Taxation Powers ........................................................................ 13
4. Options for the Centre and State GSTs ..................................................................... 14
A. Concurrent Dual GST ........................................................................................... 15
B. National GST ........................................................................................................ 16
C. State GSTs............................................................................................................. 18
D. Non-concurrent Dual VATs.................................................................................. 19
5. Tax Base and Rates................................................................................................... 20
A. Tax Rates............................................................................................................... 20
B. Food ...................................................................................................................... 23
C. Land and Real Property......................................................................................... 25
D. Non-profit Sector and Public Bodies .................................................................... 27
E. Financial Services ................................................................................................. 30
6. Treatment of Inter-State and International Trade ..................................................... 32
A. Place of Taxation, International Transactions ....................................................... 32
B. Place of Taxation, Inter-State Transactions .......................................................... 37
C. Taxation of Imports by the States ......................................................................... 38
D. Monitoring of Inter-State Supplies ....................................................................... 39
7. Harmonization of Laws and Administration............................................................. 40
8. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 42
*Ernst & Young (India) and London School of Economics respectively. The authors are
thankful to Peter Jenkins, Rebecca Millar, Dr. Govinda Rao, and office of the Chief
Economist, Government of India, for helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier
draft of the paper. The views are personal.
1. Introduction
The replacement of the state sales taxes by the Value Added Tax in 2005 marked a
significant step forward in the reform of domestic trade taxes in India. Implemented
under the leadership of Dr. Asim Dasgupta, Chairman, Empowered Committee of State
Finance Ministers, it addressed the distortions and complexities associated with the levy
of tax at the first point of sale under the erstwhile system and resulted in a major
simplification of the rate structure and broadening of the tax base. The state VAT design
is based largely on the blueprint recommended in a 1994 report of the National Institute
of Public Finance and Policy, prepared by a team led by late Dr. Amaresh Bagchi
(hereinafter, the “Bagchi Report”).1 In recommending a state VAT, the Bagchi Report
clearly recognized that it would not be the perfect or first best solution to the problems of
the domestic trade tax regime in a multi-government framework. However, the team felt
that this was the only feasible option within the existing framework of the Constitution
and would lay the foundation for an even more rational regime in the future.
Buoyed by the success of the State VAT, the Centre and the States are now embarked on
the design and implementation of the perfect solution alluded to in the Bagchi Report. As
announced by the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers in November 2007,
the solution is to take the form of a ‘Dual’ Goods and Services Tax (GST), to be levied
concurrently by both levels of government.
The essential details of the dual GST are still not known. Will it necessitate a change in
the constitutional division of taxation powers between the Centre and the States? Will the
taxes imposed by the Centre and the States be harmonized, and, if so, how? What will be
treatment of food, housing, and inter-state services such as transportation and
telecommunication? Which of the existing Centre and State taxes would be subsumed
into the new tax? What will be the administrative infrastructure for the collection and
enforcement of the tax? These are issues which ultimately define the political, social, and
economic character of the tax and its impact on different sectors of the economy, and
households in different social and economic strata.
It is some of these aspects of the proposed GST that are the subject matter of this paper.
We focus on the essential questions relating to the Dual GST design, and first discuss the
need for, and the objectives of GST reform. We then describes alternatives to the Dual
GST already endorsed by the Empowered Committee, not because they are superior in
any way to the Dual GST, but to allow a fuller discussion of the trade-offs involved in the
choice among them. Subsequent sections consider the question of tax base and rate, and
proper treatment of various components of the tax base (e.g., food, housing, and financial
services) in light of international best practices. The last section provides a discussion of
the issues that arise in the taxation of cross-border transactions, both inter-state and
international. An important question in this regard is the feasibility of, and the rules for,
taxation of inter-state supplies of services.
1 Bagchi, Amaresh et al (1994)..
2. The Current Taxes and Their Shortcomings
The principal broad-based consumption taxes that the GST would replace are the
CENVAT and the Service Tax levied by the Centre and the VAT levied by the states. All
these are multi-stage value-added taxes. The structure of these taxes today is much better
than the system that prevailed a few years ago, which was described in the Bagchi Report
as “archaic, irrational, and complex – according to knowledgeable experts, the most
complex in the world”. Over the past several years, significant progress has been made
to improve their structure, broaden the base and rationalize the rates. Notable among the
improvements made are:
· the replacement of the single-point state sales taxes by the VAT in all of the
states and union territories,
· reduction in the Central Sales Tax rate to 2%, from 4%, as part of a complete
phase out of the tax,
· the introduction of the Service Tax by the Centre, and a substantial expansion
of its base over the years, and
· rationalization of the CENVAT rates by reducing their multiplicity and
replacing many of the specific rates by ad valorem rates based on the
maximum retail price (MRP) of the products.
These changes have yielded significant dividends in economic efficiency of the tax
system, ease of compliance, and growth in revenues.
The State VAT eliminated all of the complexities associated with the application of sales
taxes at the first point of sale. The consensus reached among the States for uniformity in
the VAT rates has brought an end to the harmful tax competition among them. It has also
lessened the cascading of tax.
The application of CENVAT at fewer rates and the new system of CENVAT credits has
likewise resulted in fewer classification disputes, reduced tax cascading, and greater
neutrality of the tax. The introduction of the Service Tax has been a mixed blessing.
While it has broadened the tax base, its structure is complex. The tax is levied on
specified services, classified into one hundred different categories. This approach has
spawned many disputes about the scope of each category. Unlike goods, services are
malleable, and can and are often packaged into composite bundles that include taxable as
well as non-taxable elements. Also, there is no standardized nomenclature for services,
such as the HSN for goods.
The design of the CENVAT and state VATs was dictated by the constraints imposed by
the Constitution, which allows neither the Centre nor the States to levy taxes on a
comprehensive base of all goods and services and at all points in their supply chain. The
Centre is constrained from levying the tax on goods beyond the point of manufacturing,
and the States in extending the tax to services. This division of tax powers makes both the
CENVAT and the state VATs partial in nature and contributes to their inefficiency and
complexity. The principal deficiencies of the current system, which need to be the
primary focus of the next level of reforms, are discussed below.
A. Taxation at Manufacturing Level
The CENVAT is levied on goods manufactured or produced in India. This gives rise to
definitional issues as to what constitutes manufacturing, and valuation issues for
determining the value on which the tax is to be levied.2 While these concepts have
evolved through judicial rulings, it is recognized that limiting the tax to the point of
manufacturing is a severe impediment to an efficient and neutral application of tax.
Manufacturing itself forms a narrow base.
Moreover, the effective burden of tax becomes dependent on the supply chain, i.e., the
taxable value at the point of manufacturing relative to the value added beyond this point.3
It is for this reason that virtually all countries have abandoned this form of taxation and
replaced it by multi-point taxation system extending to the retail level. 4
Australia is the most recent example of an industrialized country replacing a tax at the
manufacturing or wholesale level by the GST extending to the retail level. The previous
tax was found to be unworkable, in spite of the high degree of sophistication in
administration in Australia. It simply could not deal with the variety of supply chain
arrangements in a satisfactory manner.
B. Exclusion of Services
The States are precluded from taxing services. This arrangement has posed difficulties in
taxation of goods supplied as part of a composite works contract involving a supply of
both goods and services, and under leasing contracts, which entail a transfer of the right
to use goods without any transfer of their ownership. While these problems have been
addressed by amending the Constitution to bring such transactions within the ambit of the
State taxation5 (by deeming a tax on them to be a tax on the sale or purchase of goods),
services per se remain outside the scope of state taxation powers. This limitation is
unsatisfactory from two perspectives.
2 A detailed discussion of the problems can be found in the Bagchi Report.
3 See Ahmad and Stern (1984) for the definition of effective taxes and applications to India. Bagchi (1994)
provides estimates of effective excise tax rates, which are shown to vary from less than one percent to more
than 22%.
4 For example, these were precisely the reasons for the replacement of the federal manufacturers’ sales tax
by the Goods and Services Tax in 1991. See Canada Department of Finance (1987), and Poddar, Satya and
Nancy Harley (1989).
5 The Constitution (46th Amendment) Bill 1982 amended Article 366 (29A) of the Constitution to deem a
tax on six items to be a tax on the sale or purchase of goods.
First, the advancements in information technology and digitization ha ve blurred the
distinction between goods and services. Under Indian jurisprudence, goods are defined to
include intangible s, e.g., copyright, and software, bringing them within the purview of
state taxation. However, intangibles are often supplied under arrangements which have
the appearance of a service contract. For example, software upgrades (which are goods)
can be supplied as part of a contract for software repair and maintenance services.
Software development contracts could take the character of contracts for manufacturing
and sale of software goods or for rendering software development services, depending on
the roles and responsibilities of the parties. The so-called ‘value-added services (VAS)
provided as part of telecommunication services include supplies (e.g., wallpaper for
mobile phones, ring tones, jokes, cricket scores and weather reports), some of which
could be considered goods. An on- line subscription to newspapers could be viewed as a
service, but online purchase and download of a magazine or a book could constitute a
purchase of goods. This blurring also clouds the application of tax to transactions relating
to tangible property. For example, disputes have arisen whether leasing of equipment
without transfer of possession and control to the lessee would be taxable as a service or as
a deemed sale of goods.
The traditional distinctions between goods and services (and for other items such as land
and property, entertainment, and luxuries) found in the Indian Constitution have become
archaic. In markets today, goods, services, and other types of supplies are being packaged
as composite bundles and offered for sale to consumers under a variety of supply-chain
arrangements. Under the current division of taxation powers, neither the Centre nor the
States can apply the tax to such bundles in a seamless manner. Each can tax only parts of
the bundle, creating the possibility of gaps or overlaps in taxation.
The second major concern with the exclusion of services from the state taxation powers is
its negative impact on the buoyancy of State tax revenues. With the growth in per capita
incomes, services account for a growing fraction of the total consumer basket, which the
states cannot tax. With no powers to levy tax on incomes or the fastest growing
components of consumer expenditures, the States have to rely almost exclusively on
compliance improvements or rate increases for any buoyancy in their own-source
revenues. Alternatives to assigning the taxation of services to the states include assigning
to the states a share of the central VAT (including the tax from services), as under the
Australian model.
C. Tax Cascading
Tax cascading occurs under both Centre and State taxes. The most significant
contributing factor to tax cascading is the partial coverage Central and State taxes. Oil
and gas production and mining, agriculture, wholesale and retail trade, real estate
construction, and range of services remain outside the ambit of the CENVAT and the
service tax levied by the Centre. The exempt sectors are not allowed to claim any credit
for the CENVAT or the service tax paid on their inputs.
Similarly, under the State VAT, no credits are allowed for the inputs of the exempt
sectors, which include the entire service sector, real property sector, agriculture, oil and
gas production and mining. Another major contributing factor to tax cascading is the
Central Sales Tax (CST) on inter-state sales, collected by the origin state and for which
no credit is allowed by any level of government.
While no recent estimates are available for the extent of tax cascading under the Indian
tax system (although see Ahmad and Stern 1984 and 1991, and Bagchi for earlier work),
it is likely to be significant, judging by the experience of other countries which had a
similar tax structure. For example, under the Canadian manufacturers’ sales tax, which
was similar to the CENVAT, the non-creditable tax on business inputs and machinery
and equipment accounted for approximately one-third of total revenues from the tax. The
extent of cascading under the provincial retail sales taxes in Canada, which are similar to
the State VAT, is estimated to be 35-40% of total revenue collections. A priori, one
would expect the magnitude of cascading under the CENVAT, service tax, and the State
VAT to be even higher, given the more restricted input credits and wider exemptions
under these taxes.6 The Service Tax falls predominantly on business to business (B2B)
services and is thus highly cascading in nature.
Tax cascading remains the most serious flaw of the current system .It increases the cost
of production and puts Indian suppliers at a competitive disadvantage in the international
markets. It creates a bias in favor of imports, which do not bear the hidden burden of
taxes on production inputs. It also detracts from a neutral application of tax to competing
products. Even if the statutory rate is uniform, the effective tax rate (which consists of
the statutory rate on finished products and the implicit or hidden tax on production
inputs) can vary from product to product depending on the magnitude of the hidden tax
on inputs used in their production and distribution. The intended impact of government
policy towards sectors or households may be negated by the indirect or hidden taxation in
a cascading system of taxes.
D. Complexity
In spite of the improvements made in the tax design and administration over the past few
years, the systems at both central and state levels remain complex. Their administration
leaves a lot to be desired. They are subject to disputes and court challenges, and the
process for resolution of disputes is slow and expensive. At the same time, the systems
suffer from substantial compliance gaps, except in the highly organized sectors of the
economy. There are several factors contributing to this unsatisfactory state of affairs.
The most significant cause of complexity is, of course, policy related and is due to the
existence of exemptions and multiple rates, and the irrational structure of the levies.
These deficiencies are the most glaring in the case of the CENVAT and the Service Tax.
6 Kuo, C.Y., Tom McGirr, Saya Poddar (1988), “Measuring the Non-neutralities of Sales and Excise Taxes
in Canada”, Canadian Tax Journal, 38, 1988, provide estimates of tax cascading under the Canadian federal
manufacturers’ sales tax and the provincial retails sales taxes.
The starting base for the CENVAT is narrow, and is being further eroded by a variety of
area-specific, and conditional and unconditional exemptions. A few years ago the
Government attempted to rationalize the CENVAT rates by reducing their multiplicity
but has not adhered to this policy and has reintroduced concessions for several
The key problem with the service tax is the basic approach of levying it on specified
services, each of which generates an extensive debate as to what is included in the base.
Ideally, the tax base should be defined to include all services, with a limited list of
exclusions (the so-called “negative list”).7 The Government has been reluctant to adopt
this approach for the fear that it could bring into the tax net many services that are
politically sensitive.
The complexities under the State VAT relate primarily to classification of goods to
different tax rate schedules. Theoretically, one might expect that the lower tax rates
would be applied to basic necessities that are consumed largely by the poor. This is not
the case under the State VAT. The lowest rate of 1% applies to precious metals and
jewellery, and related products—hardly likely to be ranked highly from the distributional
perspective. The middle rate of 4% applies to selected basic necessities and also a range
of industrial inputs and IT products. In fact, basic necessities fall into three categories –
exempted from tax, taxable at 4%, and taxable at the standard rate of 12.5%. The
classification would appear to be arbitrary, with no well accepted theoretical
underpinning. Whatever the political merits of this approach, it is not conducive to lower
compliance costs. Most retailers find it difficult to determine the tax rate applicable to a
given item without referring to the legislative schedules. Consumers are even less aware
of the tax applicable to various items. This gives rise to leakages and rent seeking.
Another source of complexity under the State VAT is determining whether a particular
transaction constitutes a sale of goods. This problem is most acute in the case of software
products and intangibles such as the right to distribute/exhibit movies or time slots for
broadcasting advertisements.
Compounding the structural or design deficiencies of each of the taxes is the poor or
archaic infrastructure for their administration. Taxpayer services, which are a lynchpin of
a successful self-assessment system, are virtually nonexistent or grossly inadequate under
both central and state administrations. Many of the administrative processes are still
manual, not benefiting from the efficiencies of automation. All this not only increase the
costs of compliance, but also undermines revenue collection.
7 For a detailed discussion of the flaws of the current approach to taxation of services, see Rao (2001),
which recommended replacement of taxation of selected services by a general tax on all services (other
than excluded services).
3. Objectives of Tax Reform
A. Basic Objectives
The basic objective of tax reform would be to address the problems of the current system
discussed above. It should establish a tax system that is economically efficient and
neutral in its application, distributionally attractive, and simple to administer.
As argued in Ahmad and Stern (1991), distributional or sectoral concerns have been at
the heart of the excessive differentiation of the Indian tax system—but that the objectives
are negated by the cascading effects of the taxes. While an optimal design of the
consumption tax system, taking into account both production efficiency and distributional
concerns, would not imply uniformity of the overall tax structure, the desired structure
can be achieved by a combination of taxes and transfers.
Ahmad and Stern (1991) analyze the optimal pattern of tax rates implied by a given
degree of aversion to poverty and concern for the poor. At high levels of concern for the
poor, one would reduce the tax on cereals (but not dairy products) and increase the taxes
on non- food items (durables). Thus, a differentiated overall structure appears desirable
for a country in which the government has consistently expressed a concern for the poor.
However, individual taxes should not be highly differentiated, as that complicates
administration and makes it difficult to evaluate the overall effects of the tax design. This
applies particularly to value-added type of taxes. In principle, a single rate (or at the most
two-rate) VAT, together with excises and spending measures could achieve the desired
distributional effects, for reasonable degrees of inequality aversion of policy makers.
In particular, it is important from an administrative perspective that close substitutes
should not be taxed at very different rates—to avoid leakages and distortions. Revenue
considerations suggest that the tax base should be broad, and comprise all items in the
consumer basket, including goods, services, as well as real property.
The neutrality principle would suggest that:
· the tax be a uniform percentage of the final retail price of a product, regardless of
the supply-chain arrangements for its manufacturing and distribution;
· the tax on inputs be fully creditable to avoid tax cascading; and
· the tax be levied on the basis of the destination principle, with all of the tax ona
given product/service accruing in the jurisdiction of its final consumption.
Multiple VAT rates become a source of complexity, and disputes, for example, over
borderlines, adding to the costs of tax administration and compliance. It is for this reason
that countries like New Zealand, Singapore, and Japan have chosen to apply the tax at a
low and uniform rate, and address any concerns about vertical equity through other fiscal
instruments, including spending programs targeted to lower-income households.8
Another important objective of tax reform is simplification of tax administration and
compliance, which is dependent on three factors. The first determining factor for
simplicity is the tax design itself. Generally, the more rational and neutral the tax design,
the simpler it would be to administer and encourage compliance. If the tax is levied on a
broad base at a single rate, there would be few classification disputes and the tax-specific
record keeping requirements for vendors would be minimal. The tax return for such a
system can be as short as the size of a postcard. It would simplify enforcement, and
encourage voluntary compliance.
The second factor is the infrastructure for tax administration, including the design of tax
forms, data requirement s, system of tax rulings and interpretations, and the procedures
for registration, filing and processing of tax returns, tax payments and refunds, audits,
and appeals. A modern tax administration focuses on providing services to taxpayers to
facilitate compliance. It harnesses information technology to enhance the quality of
services, and to ensure greater transparency in administration and enforcement.
The third factor in a federation such as India is the degree of harmonization among the
taxes levied by the Centre and the States. The Empowered Committee has already
indicated a preference for a dual GST, consisting of a Centre GST and a State GST.
Under this model, harmonization of the Centre and State GSTs would be critical to keep
the overall compliance burden low. Equally important is harmonization of GSTs across
the states.
B. Fiscal Autonomy and Harmonization
An important consideration in the design of reform options is the degree of fiscal
autonomy of the Centre and the States. It goes without saying that the power to govern
and to raise revenues go together. The Constitution of India lays down a clear division of
powers between the Centre and the States, including the power to levy taxes. Should the
Centre and the States then have complete autonomy in levying and collecting the taxes
within the parameters specified in the Constitution, or should they voluntarily or
otherwise conform to certain common principles or constraints? Should they collectively
agree to have their individua l taxes consolidated into a single national tax, the revenues
from which get shared in some agreed manner among the constituent units? Such a
system would have much to commend itself from the perspectives of economic efficiency
and the establishment of a common market within India. Indeed, such political-economy
compromises have been adopted by China and Australia. China moved to a centralized
VAT with revenue sharing with the provinces — ensuring that provinces got as much
revenues as under the prior arrangements, plus a share of the increment. In Australia, the
8 Canada provides a refundable tax credit, GST Credit, lower-income households through the personal
income tax system. The credit is paid in quarterly installments and income -tested for higher-income
GST is a single national levy and all the GST revenues collected by the center are
returned to the states. However, such a compromise is unlikely to find much favor with
the States in India, as is already revealed in their preference for the Dual GST.
To give political substance to the federal structure in India, the States (as well as the
Centre) are likely to insist that they have certain autonomy in exercise of their taxation
powers. Full autonomy would mean that:
· retain the power to enact the tax,
· enjoy the risks and rewards of ‘ownership’ of the tax (i.e., not be insulated
from fluctuations in revenue collections),
· be accountable to their constituents, and
· be able to use the tax as an instrument of social or economic policy.
Notwithstanding the above, there is a clear recognition of the need for harmonization of
the Centre and State Taxes. Fiscal autonomy is important to allow the Centre and the
States to set the tax rates according to their revenue needs. Harmonization of tax laws and
administrative procedures is needed to simplify compliance and enforcement. It is also
necessary to ensure that inter-state differences in policies and procedures do not generate
additional economic distortions. An important question then is the desired degree of
harmonization and the mechanism for achieving it.
The elements of harmonization can be divided into three broad sets: tax rates, tax base
and tax infrastructure, i.e., the administration and compliance system. The first two
elements could be viewed as important levers on which States would want to have some
degree of control to achieve their social, economic, and fiscal policy objectives.
However, the experience of other countries as well as their sub-national governments
suggests that changes to the GST base are not a suitable instrument for social and
economic policy (as discussed in greater detail in a later section in considering the
treatment of food). While the tax base is a subject of intense debates at the time the tax is
introduced, changes in the base after its introduction have been infrequent. This has
especially been the case where the tax was initially levied on a broad and comprehensive
base. Where the tax was initially levied on a narrow base, subsequent changes in the base
have then been felt necessary to minimize anomalies, distortions, and revenue leakages
created by the narrow base. Achieving such changes once the tax has been brought in,
however logical, is invariably politically contention because of vested interests. It is thus
important to get the structure right at the outset, as the base (and quite often the rate)
cannot be easily changed, ex post facto.
The VAT in the European Union is an example reflecting these policy considerations.
The base for the EU VAT is uniform, as codified in the EU Directive9, which is binding
in all Member States. There are important variations in the base, but these are essentially
in the form of derogations granted for the arrangements existing at the time of
introduction of the tax, and were intended to be temporary (though this has not always
9 The Commission Directive on the Commo n System of Value Added Tax, which replaced the Sixth
been the case). The tax rates are specified as floor rates (with some provision for reduced
rates and maximum rates), below which Member States cannot set their rates.
Administration and compliance is an area where the need for harmonization is the
greatest, and where Centre-State or inter-state variations are unlikely to serve any social
or economic policy objective. This includes items such as the taxpayer registration
system, taxpayer identification numbers, tax forms, tax reporting periods and procedures,
invoice requirements, cross-border trade information systems and IT systems.
Harmonization of these elements would result in significant savings in costs of
implementing the GST(by avoiding duplication of effort in each government), as well as
recurring savings in compliance costs. Harmonization would also permit sharing of
information among governments, which is essential for effective monitoring of crossborder
transactions. A common set of tax identifier numbers across states and the central
government is a key element in the efficient exchange of information.
Harmonization of tax laws is also critical. Variation in the wording and structure of tax
provisions can be an unnecessary source of confusion and complexity, which can be
avoided by having the Centre and the States adopt a common GST law. An alternative is
to agree on the key common elements if separate laws are chosen. Some of the critical
elements for harmonization include common time and place of supply rules, as well as
common rules for recovery of input tax, valuation of supplies and invoicing requirements.
There would then be merit in harmonizing the system of tax interpretations and rulings as
well (e.g., about classification of goods and services, determination of what constitutes
taxable consideration, and definition of export and import).
These considerations suggest that harmonization of virtually all major areas of GST law
and administration would be desirable. There is merit in keeping even the GST rate(s)
uniform, at least during the initial years until the infrastructure for the new system is fully
developed (see Ahmad, Poddar et al, 2008 for the GCC proposals). Harmonized laws
would mean lower compliance costs for taxpayers and may also improve the efficiency of
fiscal controls.
The Central Sales Tax (CST) in India provides a very useful for model for such
harmonization. The CST is a state-level tax, applied to inter-state sales of goods, based
on the origin principle. The tax law (including the base, rates, and the procedures) is
enacted by Parliament, but the States collect and keep the tax. It is a perfect example of
absolute harmonization, with the States enjoying the risks and rewards of ownership of
the tax.
It is worth emphasizing that harmonization should not be viewed as constraining the
fiscal autonomy of the Centre or the States. Rather, this is a framework that facilitates
more efficient exercise of taxa tion powers, and all jurisdictions would be worse off
without harmonization. This was the case under the previous State sales tax system,
under which inter-state tax rate wars became a race to the bottom. Even today, they all
suffer because of lack of harmonization of information and technology architectures, as a
result of which they are unable to share information on inter-state trade. Harmonization
should allow greater exploitation of the benefits of a common market.
C. Centre and State Taxation Powers
As noted earlier, the current division of taxation of powers under the Constitution is
constraining for both the Centre and the States. Neither is able to design a
comprehensive and neutral tax on goods and services of the type found in modern tax
systems. The Constitution divides taxation powers between the Centre and the States by
sector (e.g., agriculture, manufacturing, and land and property) or type of taxes (e.g.,
luxury tax, tax on the sale or purchase of goods, and excise duty). A notable feature of
the current division is that the two levels of government have no area of concurrent
jurisdiction, with the exception of stamp duties. This approach, while it may have served
the country well in the past, is no longer optimal for modern economies where the
traditional dividing lines between sectors are blurred, and new social, environmental, and
economic issues emerge which require new forms of taxation instruments. The need for a
substantial realignment of taxation powers is also emphasized by Rao (2008):
“Paradigm shift in tax policy is necessary to recognise that tax bases of central
and state governments are interdependent. The principle of separation of tax
bases followed in the Constitutional assignment does not recognise the
interdependence. It is therefore desirable to provide concurrent tax powers to
Centre and States in respect of both income and domestic consumption taxes. In
the case of personal income tax, separation of tax powers between the centre and
states based on whether the income is from agricultural or non-agricultural sector
has been a major source of tax evasion. As agriculture is transformed into a
business it is important to levy the tax on incomes received from all the sources
both for reasons of neutrality and to minimise tax evasion. At the same time, both
centre and states could be allowed to levy the tax with the latter piggybacking the
levy on the central tax subject to a ceiling rate. Similarly, it is important to unify
multiple indirect taxes levied by the central and state governments into a single
goods and services tax (GST) preferably with states piggybacking on the central
levy with clearly defined tax rooms for the two levels of government. The
transition to such a concurrent tax system requires integrating the existing
CENVAT and service taxes and extending the tax to the retail level which would,
inter alia, entail amendment of the Constitution. The states could piggyback on
the levy.”
Thus, the current search for options for tax reform warrants a review of the existing
Constitutional arrangements, which may well require a substantial realignment. For
example, the dual GST would require giving the Centre and the States concurrent indirect
taxation powers, subject to prohibition on extra-territorial taxation, i.e., that the incidence
of tax be restricted to consumption within the territory of the taxing jurisdiction. 10
While such a review is beyond the scope of this paper, our discussion of alternative
options in the next section proceeds with the assumption that suitable constitutional
amendments would be made to enable the implementation of the chosen option.
4. Options for the Centre and State GSTs
In defining options for reform, the starting point is the basic structure of the tax. For
purposes of this discussion, we start with the assumption that any replacement of the
current taxes would be in the form of a classical VAT, which is consumption type
(allowing full and immediate credit for both current and capital inputs attributable to
taxable supplies) and destination based (i.e., the tax levied on the basis of the place of
consumption of the goods and services, not the place of production). Under this system,
credits for input taxes are allowed on the basis of invoices issues by the vendors
registered for the tax. This is the most common type of structure adopted around the
world. Its superiority over other forms of consumption taxes is well accepted in India as
well as other countries.
The choices that remain then relate essentially to the assignment of powers to levy the tax
to the Centre and the States, and the tax base and rates. In the remainder of this section
we deal with the question of assignment, and then turn to the question of tax base and
rates in the next section.
The main options for the VAT assignments include:
· Concurrent Dual GST,
· National GST, and
· State GSTs.
All these options require an amendment to the Constitution. For the sake of
completeness of discussion, we also consider an additional option, Non-concurrent Dual
VAT, that does not require an amendment to the Constitution. We now discuss each of
these options in turn below.
10 The division of taxation powers between federal and provincial governments in Canada provides an
interesting example of such concurrent powers. Under the Canadian Constitutions, the federal government
can levy any tax, and the provinces have the power to levy any direct tax within the province. A tax is
considered to be a direct tax if its incidence falls on the person on whom it is levied. Thus, it includeds all
forms of income and wealth taxes. A sales tax or VAT is also viewed to be a direct if it is levied on the
buyer/consumer, but not on the vendor. The tax can be collected and remitted by the vendor, acting as an
agent of the government, but it has to be levied on the buyer. As a result, the two levels of concurrent
powers for all types of taxes, subject to the condition that the provincial taxes can only be levied on persons
within the geographical boundary of the provinces.
A. Concurrent Dual GST
Under this model, the tax is levied concurrently by the Centre as well as the States. Both
the Central Government and the Empowered Committee appear to favor this model.
While full details of the model are still awaited, two variants have been identified in
public discussions so far. The initial variant, discussed in November, 2007, entailed both
the Centre and the States levying concurrently the GSTon goods, but most of the services
(except services of a local nature) remaining subject to the Centre GSTonly. The Central
GST would thus apply to both goods and services, extending to the entire supply chain,
including wholesale and retail trade. The State GSTs would largely be confined to goods
only, with minor changes from the current State VATs.
Under the more recent variant,11 both goods and services would be subject to concurrent
taxation by the Centre and the States. This variant is closer to the model recommended by
the Kelkar Committee in 2002.12
The main difference between the two variants is in the treatment of services, reflecting
apprehensions about the feasibility of defining the place of supply (i.e., destination) of
inter-state services. Even the more recent variant recognizes that there would be a set of
inter-state services for which the place of destination would be difficult to determine. The
State tax on these services would be collected by the Centre, and then apportioned among
the States in some manner.
Other notable features of this variant are as follows:
· There would a single registration or taxpayer identification number, based on the
Permanent Account Number (PAN) for direct taxation. Three additional digits would
be added to the current PAN to identify registration for the Centre and State GSTs.
· States would collect the State GST from all of the registered dealers. To minimize the
need for additional administrative resources at the Centre, States would also assume
the responsibility for administering the Central GST for dealers with gross turnover
below the current registration threshold of Rs 1.5 crores under the central Excise
(CENVAT). They would collect the Central GST from such dealers on behalf of the
Centre and transfer the funds to the Centre.
· Procedures for collection of Central and State GSTs would be uniform. There would
be one common tax return for both taxes, with one copy given to the Central authority
and the other to the relevant State authority.
· Other indirect taxes levied by the Centre, States, or local authorities at any point in
the supply chain would be subsumed under the Central or the State GST, as long as
they are in the nature of taxes on consumption of goods and services.
11 See Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers (2008).
12 Kelkar, Vijay, et al (2004).
At a broad conceptual level, this model has a lot to commend itself. It strikes a good
balance between fiscal autonomy of the Centre and States, and the need for
harmonization. It empowers both levels of government to apply the tax to a
comprehensive base of goods and services, at all points in the supply chain. It also
eliminates tax cascading, which occurs because of truncated or partial application of the
Centre and State taxes.
The apprehension about feasibility of application of State GST to inter-state services is
understandable, given the complete absence of any framework in India for determining
their place of supply. However, the task of developing of such a framework is not
insurmountable. In fact, such frameworks do already exist for application of national
VAT to international cross-border services, which could be adapted for inter-state
services. Canada has developed such a framework for application of provincial sales
taxes or GST to services.
Another point to note is that inter-state services are provided predominantly by the
organized sector (e.g., telecom and transportation services), which is generally tax
compliant. Once the rules are framed, they would program their accounting and invoicing
systems to collect and remit the tax accordingly.
Admittedly, there are inter-state services which have no unique place of supply. Take for
example the supply of group health insurance to a corporation with employees throughout
India, or auditing or business consulting services provided to a corporation or
conglomerate with business establishments in several States. The determination of place
of supply of such services is going to be somewhat arbitrary. However, such services are
almost entirely B2B supplies, the tax on which is fully creditable to the recipient under a
comprehensive taxation model. The arbitrariness in the rules would thus have no impact
on the final tax collections of the Centre or the States.
The Empowered Committee proposal is silent on the treatment of land and real property
transactions in the description of this option. Assuming this omission is deliberate, it is a
major drawback of the option. As discussed further in the next section, modern VATs
apply to all supplies, including supplies of land and real property. The Service Tax has
already been extended to rentals of commercial property and construction services.
There are no compelling social or economic policy reasons for excluding these services
from the scope of the GST.
B. National GST
Under this option, the two levels of government would combine their levies in the form
of a single national GST, with appropriate revenue sharing arrangements among them.
The tax could be controlled and administered by the Centre, States, or a separate agency
reporting to them. There are several models for such a tax. Australia is the most recent
example of a national GST, which is levied and collected by the Centre, but the proceeds
of which are allocated entirely to the States.13
In China, the VAT law and administration is centralized, but the revenues are shared with
the provinces. In going to this model, the Centre had assure the provinces that they
would continue to get what they did under the previous arrangement and that changes in
revenue shares would be phased in over an extended period of 15 years—see Ahmad
Under the Canadian model of the Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), the tax is levied at a
combined federal and provincial rate of 13 percent (5% federal rate, 8% provincial rate)
in the three participating provinces. Tax design and collection are controlled by the
Centre, but the provinces have some flexibility to vary their tax rate. The revenues from
the tax are shared among the participating provinces on the basis of consumer
expenditure data for the participating provinces.
In Austria, and Germany, the tax design is controlled by the Centre, but states collect the
taxes. This has led to incentive problems, as some of the Länder have begun to use tax
administration measures to achieve tax policy goals. In Mexico, the establishment of a
VAT at the center replaced state sales taxes, but had to be part of a political-economy
compromise that assured the states an automatic share of the revenues generated from all
federal taxes.
A single national VAT has great appeal from the perspective of establishment and
promotion of a common market in India. However, the States may worry about the loss
of control over the tax design and rates. Indeed, some control over tax rates is a critical
issue in achieving accountable sub-national governance and hard budget constraints
(Ambrosiano and Bordignon, 2006). The States may also be apprehensive that the
revenue sharing arrangements would over time become subject to social and political
considerations, deviating from the benchmark distributio n based on the place of final
consumption. The Bagchi Report also did not favor this option for the fear that it would
lead to too much centralization of taxation powers.
13 The Australian constitutional situation is that both the States and the Commonwealth (the Federal
Government) have power to tax supplies of goods and services. The constitution prevents laws interfering
with interstate trade (including tax laws) and gives the power to collect Customs and excise taxes
exclusively to the Federal Government. It is forbidden for the Commonwealth to tax State Property. To
meet this requirement, the GST implementation laws, of which there are 6, simply state that they do not
impose tax on State properties and the States accept that view, at least at the moment. The GST was
introduced on the pretence that it was a State tax being collected by the Commonwealth in order to (a)
secure the States’ agreements to abolish some of their preexisting transaction taxes, in particular certain
stamp duties, financial institutions duties, etc and (b) to ensure that the States wouldn’t start a round of
attempts to challenge the constitutional validity of the law (as was done, unsuccessfully, in the past with
income tax, which both States and Commonwealth also have power to collect. The current Government has
acknowledged that GST is in fact simply a Federal Tax that it uses to make grants to the States and as a
result of this acknowledgement, the Auditor General has for the first time since 2000 agreed to approve the
Commonwealth accounts.
These concerns can be addressed partially through suitable administrative arrangements
and centre-state agreements. The tax design could be made subject to joint control of the
Centre and the States. The States would necessarily lose the flexibility of inter-state
variation in tax design, but that is also the perceived strength of this option. Given that
the Centre does not have the machinery for the administration of such a tax, the States
would presumably play a significant role in its administration. The revenue sharing
formula could also be mandated to be based on the destination principle, as under the
Canadian HST.
The key concerns about this option would thus be political. Notwithstanding the
economic merits of a national GST, will it have a damaging impact on the vitality of
Indian federalism? With no other major own-source revenues, will individual States
become too dependent on collective choices and feel disempowered to act on their
priorities? Will it be possible for the governments with such diverse political interests
and philosophies to reach a consensus and adhere to it?
While one can have a healthy debate on each of these issues, international experience
suggests that discretionary use of broad-based consumption taxes for social, political, or
economic policy purposes tends to be limited. The dominant consideratio n in their
design is their neutrality and efficiency in raising revenues. This is also reflected in the
design of the State VATs in India. In spite of vast political and economic differences
among them, States have been able to forge a consensus on a common VAT design. A
national GST would extend this consensus to the Centre. But participation of the Centre
could fundamentally alter the delicate balance of interests that currently prevails in the
Empowered Committee and make the consensus harder to achieve.
C. State GSTs
Under this option, the GST would be levied by the States only. The Centre would
withdraw from the field of general consumption taxation. It would continue to levy
income taxes, customs duties, and excise duties on selected products such as motor fuels
to address specific environmental or other policy objectives. The loss to the Centre from
vacating this tax field could be offset by a suitable compensating reduction in fiscal
transfers to the States. This would significantly enhance the revenue capacity of the
States and reduce their dependence on the Centre. The USA is the most notable example
of these arrangements, where the general sales taxes are relegated to the states.
There would be significant hurdles in adopting this option in Ind ia. First, it would
seriously impair the Centre’s revenues. The reduction in fiscal transfers to the States
would offset this loss, but still the Centre would want to have access to this revenue
source for future needs. Second, the option may not be revenue neutral for individual
States. The incremental revenues from the transfer of the Centre’s tax room would
benefit the higher-income states, while a reduction in fiscal transfers would impact
disproportionately the lower-income states. Thus the reform would be inequality
enhancing—and against the traditions of successive governments in India (of all political
shades). Third, a complete withdrawal of the Centre from the taxation of inter-state
supplies of goods and services could undermine the States’ ability to levy their own taxes
on such supplies in a harmonized manner. In particular, it would be impractical to bring
inter-state services within the ambit of the State GST without a significant coordinating
support from the Centre.
D. Non-concurrent DualVATs
Under the concurrent dual GSTs, the Centre and State taxes apply concurrently to
supplies of all goods and services. It poses two challenges. First, it requires a
constitutional amendment. Second, a framework is needed for defining the place of
supply of inter-state services and for the application of State GST to them. Both of these
hurdles can be circumvented if the GST on goods were to be levied by the States only
and on services by the Centre only. The States already have the power to levy the tax on
the sale and purchase of goods (and also on immovable property), and the Centre for
taxation of services. No special effort would be needed for levying a unified Centre tax
on inter-state services.
This option would not address any of the deficiencies of the current system identified in
Section 2 above, if the taxes on goods and services were to be levied in an uncoordinated
manner as two separate partial taxes. It would perpetuate the difficulties in delineating
supplies of goods and services, and compound tax cascading.
The main appeal of this option is as a variant of the State GST option discussed
immediately above. In levying the VAT on services, the Centre would essentially play
the coordinating role needed for the application and monitoring of tax on inter-state
services. The Centre would withdraw from the taxation of goods. Even the revenues
collected from the taxation of services could be transferred back to the States, partially or
Within this framework, cascading could be completely eliminated by the States agreeing
to allow an input credit for the tax on services levied by the Centre. Likewise, the Centre
would allow an input credit for the tax on goods levied by the States.
The discussion above suggests that the design of a GST is going to be a challenge,
regardless of the option chosen. All options require significant Centre-State coordination
and harmonization, and there may be very little room for variance in rate setting by States
at least in the near future. The best option wo uld appear to be a national GST (either
through the constitution or on a voluntary basis), with an appropriate Centre-State and
inter-State revenue sharing arrangement. If a framework for taxation of inter-state
services can be devised, then the concurrent dual VAT could be the most supportive of
the objective of fiscal autonomy. To ensure harmonization of tax base, rules and
procedures, it would be desirable to have a single common legislation enacted by
Parliament, following the model for the CST. The law would delegate the collection of
tax to the Centre and States on their respective tax bases, i.e., the Centre to collect the
central GST on supplies of goods and services any where in India, and the States to
collect the state GST on supplies within the ir states (as per the place-of-supply rules
specified in the legislation).
5. Tax Base and Rates
We turn now to the question of the tax base and rates, within the broad structure of a
consumption-type, destination-based, credit-invoice GST. Ideally, the tax should be
levied comprehensively on all goods and services at a single rate to achieve the objectives
of simplicity and economic neutrality. However, governments often deviate from this
ideal either because of concerns about distribution of tax burden (e.g., food), or because
of administrative and conceptual difficulties in applying the tax to certain sectors of the
economy (e.g., health care, education, and financial services). These concerns are likely
to be paramount at both Centre and State levels and there will inevitable be calls to
exempt, or tax at a reduced rate, items of importance to the poor or other particular
As noted earlier, reduced rates or exemptions for basic necessities may not be an efficient
way of helping the poor, because of a significant spillover of their benefits to the rich.
Although the rich spend a smaller proportion of their income on such goods than do the
poor, because their income is higher they are also likely to spend a larger absolute
amount. As a result, the rich might gain most from applying a reduced tax rate to such
goods. The needs of the poor could be more effectively addressed through spending and
transfer programs. Distributional concerns should be seen as part of the overall balance
of all fiscal instruments and not solely for the GST. Moreover, multiple rates and
exemptions increase the costs of administration and compliance. They give rise to
classification disputes, necessitate additional record keeping, and create opportunities for
tax avoidance and evasion through misclassification of sales.
Notwithstanding the virtues of a single-rate and comprehensive base, debates about the
proper treatment of food and a variety of other items are inevitable. In what follows, we
discuss some of the most critical aspects this debate, starting with a discussion of the
revenue neutral tax rates in the absence of any exemptions or other preferences.
A. Tax Rates
In discussions on the GST design for India, it has been suggested that the tax would need
to be levied at a combined Centre-State tax rate of 20 percent, of which 12% would go to
the Centre and 8% to the states (vide, for example, the Kelkar Task Force Report). While
they fall below the present combined Centre and State statutory rate of 26.5% (Cenvat of
14%, and VAT of 12.5%), GST at these rates would encounter significant consumer
resistance, especially at the retail level, and would give rise to pressures for exemptions
and/or lower rates for items of daily consumption. With the notable exception of
Scandinavian countries, where the tax is levied at the standard rate of 25%, few countries
have been successful in levying and sustaining a VAT/GST at such high rates.
Successful GST models adopted by other countries had a very broad base and a relatively
modest tax rate, especially at the time of inception. For example, the New Zealand GST
was introduced at the rate of 10%, with a base consisting of virtually all goods and
services (with the exception of financial services). The Singapore GST was introduced at
3%, but the rate has now been raised to 7% as inefficient excises and customs duties have
been progressively eliminated.
Table 1 provides a comparison of the tax base and rates in selected international
jurisdictions with ‘modern’ VAT/GST. It provides data on C efficiency, which is a
widely-used measure of the comprehensiveness of the tax base. It is calculated as the
ratio of the share of GST revenues in consumption to the standard rate. Any deviation
from a 100 percent C-efficiency indicates deviatio n from a single tax rate on all
consumption. Zero-rating of some consumption items would lead to a C-efficiency of less
than 100 percent while inclusion of investment or a break in the GST chain could lead to
a C-efficiency higher than 100 percent. While a C-efficiency of 100 does not imply a
perfect VAT, it can serve as a useful indicator of the productivity of GST revenue per
percentage point of GST rate. The last column in the table shows revenue productivity of
GST in these countries, measured as GST revenues per point of the standard rate divided
by the GDP (i.e., (Aggregate Revenues/Standard Rate)/GDP).
Table 12
Comparison of GST Base and Rates, Selected Jurisdictions
Country Year Standard
Rate %
% of GDP C Efficiency
Canada 2005 7 74.8 0.46 0.34
Japan 2004 5 75.5 0.67 0.50
New Zealand 2005 12.5 76.0 0.94 0.73
Singapore 2004 5 54.2 0.70 0.40
Source: Various IMF reports and authors’ own estimates
As shown in Table 2, the New Zealand GST, which is levied at a single rate on virtually
all goods and services, has the highest C efficiency. The Canadian GST, also levied at a
single rate, has low C efficiency because of zero-rating of food and medicines, and
rebates for housing and non-profit sector. Japan and Singapore levy tax at a single rate to
a comprehensive base, including food. Yet, their C efficiency is lower than in New
Zealand mainly on account of exemptions for supplies by non-profit organizations. The
C efficiency of European VATs is generally much lower, in the range of 50%, as these
taxes are levied at multiple rates, and with exemption for land and housing, financial
services, and supplies by public bodies. In general, VATs that have been introduced
around the world in the last few years have a higher C efficiency than the ‘old’ VATs.
A low C efficiency translates into lower revenue productivity of tax, as shown in the last
column of the table.
With this background, we turn to an estimation of the size of the GST base in India and
the GST rates that would be required to replace the current indirect tax revenues of the
Centre and the States.
Poddar and Bagchi (2007) calculations show that if the GST were to be levied on a
comprehensive base, the combined Centre-State revenue neutral rate (RNR) need not be
more than 12%. This rate would apply to all goods and services, with the exception of
motor fuels which would continue to attract a supplementary levy to maintain the total
revenue yield at their current levels.
Here are some basic ingredients of the RNR calculations for 2005-06, the latest year for
which the necessary data are available. The total excise/service tax/VAT/sales tax
revenues of the Centre and the States in that year was Rs.134 thousand crore and Rs.139
thousand crore respectively. Assuming that approximately 40% of the central excise
revenues and 20% of the state VAT/sales tax revenues are from motor fuels, the balance
of the revenues from other goods and services that need to be replaced by the GST are Rs
89 thousand crore for the Centre and Rs 111 thousand crore for the states, making up a
total of Rs 200 thousand crore.
In 2005-06, the total private consumer expenditure on all goods and services was
Rs.2,072 thousand crore at current market prices. Making adjustments for sales and
excise taxes included in these values and for the private consumption expenditure on
motor fuels, the total tax base (at pre-tax prices) for all other goods and services is Rs
1763 thousand crore.
These values yield a reve nue neutral GST rate of approx. 11% (200 as percent of 1763 is
11.3%). The RNR for the Centre is 5% and for the states 6.3%. Allowing for some
leakages, the combined RNR could be in the range of 12%. The Centre excise duty rates
have been reduced substantially (the standard rate reduced from 16% to 10%) since 2005.
At the current duty rates, the Centre RNR is likely to be in the range of 3%, bringing the
combined RNR to below 10%.
These estimates are by no means precise. Even so, they give a broad idea of the levels at
which the rate of a national GST could be set to achieve revenue neutrality for both levels
of government. An important question for policy makers is the costs and benefits of
deviating from this benchmark of single rate GST. While there would be pressing calls
for all kinds of exemptions and lower rates, the economic benefits of a single rate are
enormous. The experience of countries like New Zealand, Japan and Singapore suggests
that it is feasible to resist such calls by keeping the tax rate low. There is increasing
political support for such an option. It would mark a clean break from the legacy
structures and herald a new era of simple and transparent tax administration.
There is virtue in keeping the GST rate in the 10% range, especially at inception. Any
revenue shortfall at this rate could be made up by the use of supplementary excises on
select demerit goods (e.g., tobacco, and alcohol), besides motor fuels. Excises could also
be used for select luxury items which do already attract tax at higher rates. This would
help minimize undesirable shifts in the distribution of tax burden (see the discussion in
Ahmad and Stern, 1984 and 1991). Clearly, such excises should be limited to a very
small list of items which are discrete and not amenable to tax avoidance and evasion.
B. Food
The main issue in the application of GST to food is the impact it would have on those
living at or below subsistence levels. In 2005, data, food accounted for one-third of total
private final consumer expenditures. For those at the bottom of the income scale, it
doubtless accounts for an even higher proportion of total expenditures and incomes.
Taxing food could thus have a major impact on the poor. By the same token, a complete
exemption for food would significantly shrink the tax base.
There are additional considerations that are pertinent to the treatment of food.
· Food includes a variety of items, including grains and cereals, meat, fish, and poultry,
milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, candy and confectionary, snacks,
prepared meals for home consumption, restaurant meals, and beverages. In most
jurisdictions where reduced rates or exemptions are provided for food, their scope is
restricted to basic food items for home consumption. However, the definition of such
items is always a challenge and invariably gives rise to classification disputes. In
India, basic food, however defined, would likely constitute the vast bulk of total
expenditures on food.
· In India, while food is generally exempt from the CENVAT, many of the food items,
including food grains and cereals, attract the state VAT at the rate of 4%. Exemption
under the state VAT is restricted to unprocessed food, e.g., fresh fruits and
vegetables, meat and eggs, and coarse grains. Beverages are generally taxable, with
the exception of milk.
· In the rural sector, the predominant distribution channel for unprocessed food would
be either a direct sale by the farmer to final consumers or through small
distributors/retailers. Even where food is within the scope of the GST, such sales
would largely remain exempt because of the small business registration threshold.
· Given the large size of farm community in India, which is mostly unorganized,
consideration needs to be given to whether it is advisable to exempt (with no right of
input tax deduction) all unprocessed farm produce sold by them at the farm gate. In
the case of cash crops (produce for further manufacturing or processing, e.g., cotton,
coffee beans, and oil seeds), it would not be in the interest of the farmers to be
exempted from tax. They should thus be allowed the option of voluntary registration
to pay the tax. It is recognized that an exemption for first sale at the farm gate would
be difficult to administer and create inefficiencies in distribution and marketing of
farm produce.
These considerations pose some difficult policy issues. Given that food is currently
exempt from the CENVAT, the GST under a single-rate, comprehensive-base model
would lead to at least a doub ling of the tax burden on food (from 4% state VAT to a
combined GST rate of 10-12%). It would call for some tangible measures to offset the
impact on the lower-income households. One would be to limit the exemption only to
cereals (see Table 1) as some of the other food items have lower distributional
The alternative of exempting food altogether (or zero rating) would not be any better.
First, the revenue neutral rate would jump from 10-12% to 18%. While the poor would
pay less tax on food, they would pay more on other items in their consumption basket.
Whether and to what extent they would be better off would depend on the composition of
their consumption basket. The higher standard rate would, in turn, lead to pressures for
exempting other items (e.g., medicines, books, LPG, and kerosene ). Third, it could
preclude unification of the tax rate on goods with that on services, which are currently
taxable 12.36%. Imposition of tax rate at 18% on hitherto exempt services (e.g.,
passenger travel, health, and education) would encounter significant political resistance.
Fourth, one cannot expect any improvement in taxpayer compliance at such high rates.
To the contrary, greater visibility of the Centre tax at the retail level could have a
negative impact on compliance. Thus, an exemption for food has the potential to totally
unravel the simplicity and neutrality of GST.
One could consider a lower rate for food, instead of complete exemption. If the lower
rate were to be 5%, the revenue ne utral standard rate (based on 2005 rate structure) would
be pushed up to 16%. This may be a reasonable compromise, provided all other goods
and services are made taxable at the single standard rate of 16%. The risk is that the
lower rate for food would become the thin edge of the wedge which would create
irresistible demands for the opening the door wider.
An important question is the definition of food that would be eligible for the lower rate.
To keep the base broad, and limit the preference to items of consumption by the lowerincome
households, the lower rate should be confined to ‘unprocessed’ food items
(including vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, and poultry). Its scope can be further restricted by
excluding from the preference food pre-packaged for retail sale. . This definition would
not be without problems, especially where the processing value added is small. For
example, if wheat were taxable at 5% as unprocessed food, but flour taxable at 16% as
processed food, it would encourage consumers to buy wheat and then have it processed
into flour.
Overall, the preferred option would appear to be a single-rate, comprehensive-base GST.
While no option is perfect, it has the advantage of simplicity and neutrality. As noted
earlier, sales of unprocessed food in rural India would largely remain exempt under this
option because of the small business exemption. The poor can be further insulated from
its impact through direct spending programs, and/or exempt from tax any sales under the
Public Distrib ution System (PDS).
C. Land and Real Property
Under the ‘old’ VATs (such as those in Europe), land and real property supplies are
excluded from the scope of the tax. To minimize the detrimental impact of an exemption
under a VAT, business firms are given the option to elect to pay tax on land real property
Under a modern GST/VAT (e.g., in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa),
housing and construction services are treated like any other commodity. Thus, when a
real estate developer builds and sells a home, it is subject to VAT on the full selling price,
which would include the cost of land 14, building materials, and construction services.
Commercial buildings and factory sales are also taxable in the same way, as are rental
charges for leasing of industrial and commercial buildings. There are only two
exceptions: (1) resale of used homes and private dwellings, and (2) rental of dwellings:
· A sale of used homes and dwellings is exempted because the tax is already collected
at the time of their first purchase, especially for homes acquired after the
commencement of the tax. If the sale were to be made taxable, then credit would
need to be given for the tax paid on the original purchase and on any renovations and
additions after the purchase. Except where the prices have gone up, the net
incremental tax on resale may not be significant. Theoretically, this system does
create a windfall for the existing homes build and acquired prior to the
commencement of the tax. In practice, the windfall is not significant as the home
construction would have attracted other taxes on construction materials and services
that prevailed at the time.
· Residential rentals are also exempted for the same reason. If rents were to be made
taxable, then credit would need to be allowed on the purchase of the dwelling and on
repairs and maintenance. Over the life of the dwelling, the present value of tax on the
rents would be approximately the same as the tax paid on the purchase of the
dwelling and on any renovation, repair, and maintenance costs. In effect (and as with
other consumer durables), payment of VAT on the full purchase price at acquisition is
a prepayment of all the VAT due on the consumption services that the house will
yield over its full lifetime. A resale of a dwelling is exempted for the same reason: the
tax was pre-paid when the dwelling was initially acquired.
· Many private individuals and families own residential dwellings (including their
homes and summer residences) which they may rent to others. They are generally not
in the VAT system, so do not get a credit for the VAT paid when they initially
14 Actually, in Australia and New Zealand, this is not always the case. In New Zealand, land (like any other
“goods”) is the subject of a deemed input tax credit under the “second hand goods” scheme, which has the
effect that the tax on a development of land acquired from an unregistered person is the margin of the
supplier. This provision affects mainly the land held by individuals outside a business at the
commencement of the GST. Such land is permanently sheltered from tax, even where it subsequently
enters a commercial supply chain. In Australia, a margin scheme for land is used to work out the taxable
value in similar circumstances: the margin scheme operates as a second hand scheme and as a transitional
rule to prevent the value of most (but not all) of the value of land as at 1 July 2000 entering into the tax
acquire their new home. Nor do they claim any credit for any repairs or renovations
they may have made to the existing homes. If the rental of such dwelling were subject
to tax, owners should also be given a credit for the taxes paid on such costs—which
would be complex, and difficult to monitor.
Thus, virtually all countries exempt long-term residential rents and resale of used
residential dwelling. However, short-term residential accommodation (in hotels, for
example) is normally subject to VAT. Any commissions charged by the agents and
brokers for the sale or rental of a dwelling are treated as a service separate from the sale
or rental of the dwelling and attract tax regardless of whether paid by the buyer or the
Sale or rental of vacant land (which includes rental of car parking spaces, fees for
mooring of boats and camping sites) is also taxable under the ‘modern’ VAT system.
It would make sense to incorporate these concepts in the design of GST in India as well.
· Conceptually, it is appropriate to include land and real property in the GST base. To
exclude them would, in fact, lead to economic distortions and invite unnecessary
classification disputes as to what constitutes supply of real property.
· In the case of commercial and industrial land and buildings, their exclusion from the
base would lead to tax cascading through blockage of input taxes on construction
materials and services. It is for this reason that even under the European system an
option is allowed to VAT registrants to elect to treat such supplies as taxable.
· Housing expenditures are distributed progressively in relation to income and their
taxation would contribute to the fairness of the GST.
· The State VAT and the Service Tax already apply to construction materials and
services respectively, but in a complex manner. For example, there is significant
uncertainty whether a pre-construction agreement to sell a new residential dwelling is
a works contract and subject to VAT. Where the VAT does apply, disputes arise
about the allocation of the sale price to land, goods, and services. While land is the
only major element that does not attract tax, the tax rates applicable to goods and
services differ, necessitating a precise delineation of the two. Extending the GST to
all real property supplies, including construction materials and services, would bring
an end to such disputes, simplify the structure, and enhance the overall economic
efficiency of the tax.
One potential argument against the levy of GST to land and real property would be that
they already attract the stamp duty. This argument can be quickly discarded as the
purpose and structure of the stamp duty is quite different from that of the GST. Stamp
duty is a cascading tax on each conveyance of title to real property, whereas the GST is a
tax on final consumer expenditures. The GST does not impinge on commercial property
transactions, after taking into account the benefit of input tax credits. It does not result in
tax cascading. Under the model described above, in the case of residential dwellings, the
15 Poddar(2009) provides a more detailed discussion of the options for taxation of housing under
GST would apply to the first sale only. Thus, the two taxes cannot be viewed as
substitutes. However, the application of GST to real property transactions does warrant a
review of the structure and rates of stamp duties and registration fees. The rates should be
lowered and the structure rationalized when the GST is introduced.
D. Non-profit Sector and Public Bodies
Historically, supplies made by governmental bodies and non-profit organizations
(including religious institutions, social welfare agencies, and sports and cultural
organizations) have been exempted from VAT on the grounds that such bodies are not
engaged in a business and their activities are not commercial in nature. But this is often,
and increasingly, not the case. Public enterprises are involved in a wide range of
industrial and commercial activities. As deregulation proceeds, the dividing line between
public administration and industrial/commercial activities becomes increasingly blurred.
For example, postal and telecommunication services were historically viewed as public
administration, but this is no longer the case. Government agencies/enterprises provide
such services in competition with private firms. The same is true for other activities such
as local and inter-city transit, operation of airports, radio and television broadcasting, and
provision of water, sewer, and sanitation services. Moreover, the public sector in India, as
in many other countries, is large and pervasive.
Under the EU VAT Directive, activities of the public sector are divided into three
categories: non-taxable, taxable, and exempt. A public body is in principle eligible to
claim input tax deductions only in respect of the VAT paid on inputs acquired for use in
making taxable supplies (though a number of member states pay refunds of VAT by
matching grant). While this approach may have provided the EU Member States with the
needed flexibility in dealing with their domestic environment, it falls short of achieving
the principal criteria of an efficient VAT system identified above. The exempt or nontaxable
status of a wide range of supplies by public bodies violates the criterion of
economic neutrality. Biases are created in favor of the self-supply of services within the
public sector to minimize the amount of non-deductible VAT on inputs. Consumers may
be influenced in their purchasing decisions by the fact that the VAT does not apply to
certain public sector goods and services. The non-deductible input VAT embedded in the
prices of public sector goods and services is passed along to persons in the productiondistribution
chain who are not final consumers.
The application of a value added tax requires identification of a supply and the consumer
or buyer to whom the supply is made, and valuation of consideration for the supply.
Determination of each of these elements gives rise to issues in the public sector due to the
nature of the way services are delivered by governments and the manner in which the
services are funded. For example, a public body may provide its services for no explicit
charge (e.g., museum admissions, water, health, and education) and there may not be any
identifiable buyer or consumer for certain services provided on a collective basis (e.g.,
sanitation, and police protection). In addition, the political sensitivity to the taxation of
certain services, and the methods of inter-governmental funding may detract from a
neutral application of tax to the public sector activities. As a result, the public sector is
subject to special rules in almost all VAT systems currently in place throughout the
This is a matter that cannot be dealt with satisfactorily without a systematic review of all
of the activities of the governmental bodies and non-profit organizations. However, at
this stage it is useful to describe the two broad approaches that other countries have
First, the highly-regarded VAT system in New Zealand (and later Australia16) treats all
activities of public sector and non-profit bodies as fully taxable.17 They thus collect the
VAT on all of their revenues, with the sole exception of revenues from taxes, interest and
dividends, and gifts and charitable donations. Under this broad and comprehensive
approach, no distinction is made between public administration and commercial/
industrial activities of the state or non-profit organizations. By the same token, these
bodies are eligible to claim a full credit for their input VAT in the same manner as private
enterprises. This system is conceptually simple, and consequently is in some respects
easy to operate. And—by putting public and private sectors on an equal footing—it
minimizes potential distortions of competition. In Australia, certain basic medical and
educational supplies, and supplies by non-profit organizations below market value (i.e.,
subsidized supplies) are zero-rated.18 Other supplies are taxable under the standard GST
rules, as in New Zealand.
16 The Australian system is structured quite different from the New Zealand one, even though the net
outcome is similar. New Zealand’s GST is designed to tax all flows of money through the Government,
whereas Australia’s is complicated by the Federal Structure. The Commonwealth does not in fact pay GST
or claim ITCs -- it just does so notionally--, whereas the States actually do pay and claim. New Zealand
taxes appropriations, whereas Australian says that they are not taxed. In addition, a range of Government
provided services are GST-free or exempt.
17 See Peter Barrand (1991), for a description of the New Zealand system. Aujean, Michel, Peter Jenkins
and Satya Poddar provide an analytical framework for such a system .
18 Zero-rated (called GST-free) supplies are defined as follows:
38-7 Medical services
(1) A supply of a medical service is GST-free.
(2) However, a supply of a medical service is not GST-free under subsection (1)
(a) it is a supply of a professional service rendered in prescribed
circumstances within the meaning of regulation 14 of the Health
Insurance Regulations made under the Health Insurance Act 1973
(other than the prescribed circumstances set out in regulations
14(2)(ea), (f) and (g)); or
(b) it is rendered for cosmetic reasons and is not a professional service for
which medicare benefit is payable under Part II of the Health Insurance
Act 1973.
[medical services are defined by cross-reference to services covered
by a health and health insurance law]
38-85 Education courses
A supply is GST-free if it is a supply of:
(a) an education course; or
(b) administrative services directly related to the supply of such a course,
The second is the traditional approach followed in most other countries. Under this
approach, the activities of public and non-profit bodies are divided into two lists: taxable
and exempt. There are no simple or mechanical rules for this division, which in practice
is based on a variety of economic, social, and practical considerations. For example,
public enterprises engaged in industrial or commercial activities are generally taxable,
especially if their revenues from their clients are expected to exceed their costs. Some
countries exempt all other fees and charges, while others tax them on a selective basis
(including postal charges, airport landing fees, port loading and unloading charges, sale
of statistical and other publications, and fees fo r licenses and permits). Given that not all
of the activities of an organization are considered taxable under this approach, an input
tax credit is allowed for only those inputs that relate to the taxable activities of the
This latter approach creates difficulties in determining what is taxable and what is
exempt, and also in allocating the input taxes between the two (since credit would be
given only in respect of taxable activities). It also creates a distortion in the form of a bias
against the use of outside contractors by public bodies in their exempt activities. For
example, if a municipality used a contractor for construction of a road or a bridge, it
would pay the VAT on the contractor’s fees, and not be eligible to claim a credit for the
tax. However, it could avoid the tax if it hired its own employees to do the construction
work. As noted above, some countries provide a full or partial rebate of the tax related to
minimize this ‘self- supply’ bias.
There is little doubt that the New Zealand approach is conceptually superior. It does,
however, lead to a larger number of taxpayers, many of which will be entitled to refunds.
Since the management of refunds is an especially problematic aspect of the VAT,
particularly in developing countries, the control issues may be a significant drawback.
If governments and public bodies are partially exempted, then one other issue that needs
to be considered is the treatment of supplies to governments. This is especially important
in a federation. Should one government apply its non-creditable tax to supplies to
another government? Or should all governments be immune from taxation as sovereign
bodies? In India, CENVAT and State VAT currently apply to government procurement.
but only if they are supplied by the supplier of the course.
[education course defined as a course leading to a diploma or degree
from a primary, secondary or tertiary school with cross-references to
recognition by the appropriate state education authority]
38-250 Nominal consideration etc.
(1) A supply is GST-free if:
(a) the supplier is a charitable institution, a trustee of a charitable fund, a
gift-deductible entity or a government school; and
(b) the supply is for consideration that:
(i) if the supply is a supply of accommodation – is less than 75% of
the GST inclusive market value of the supply; or
(ii) if the supply is not a supply of accommodation – is less than 50%
of the GST inclusive market value of the supply.
Likewise, the GST could be made applicable to supplies to governments with no special
rules. However, as noted earlier, this then would create a self-supply bias for public
bodies where they buy inputs for an exempt activity.
E. Financial Services
Financial services are exempted from VAT in all countries. The principal reason is that
the charge for the services provided by financial intermediaries (such as banks and
insurance companies) is generally not explicit- a fee- but is taken as a margin, that is
hidden in interest, dividends, annuity payments, or such other financial flows from the
transactions. For example, banks provide the service of operating and maintaining deposit
accounts for their depositors, for which they charge no explicit fee. The depositors do,
however, pay an implicit fee, which is the difference between the pure interest rate (i.e.,
the interest rate which could otherwise be earned in the market without any banking
services) and the interest actually received by them from the bank on the deposit balance.
The fee is the interest foregone. Similarly, the charge for the services provided by banks
to the borrowers is included in the interest charged on the loan. It is the excess of the
interest rate on the loan over the pure rate of interest or cost of funds to the bank for that
It would be straightforward to levy the tax on this implicit fee if the reference ‘pure rate’
were easily observable—but it is not. The spread between borrowing and lending rates,
could be measured, and taken as measuring the total value added by the intermediary. But
in order for the crediting mechanism to work properly, it is necessary to go further and
allocate this value-added to borrower and lender (with a credit on the tax paid due only to
registered taxpayers)—which again raises the problem of identifying a reference pure
interest rate.19
Some financial services are, of course, charged for by a direct and explicit fee, examples
being an account charge or foreign exchange commission. Services provided for an
explicit charge could be subjected to VAT in the normal way with the taxable recipient
having a right of deduction, and a growing number of countries do this. Nevertheless,
some countries exempt them all, while others limit the exemption to banking and life
insurance. The exemption avoids the need to measure the tax base for financial
transactions, but gives rise to other distortions in the financial markets. The denial of
credit to the exempt financial institutions for the VAT charged on their inputs creates
disincentives for them to outsource their business process operations. Where they render
services to business clients, the blockage of input tax credits results in tax cascading,
adversely affecting their competitive position in the international markets.
Taxing explicit fees for financial services, but treating margin services as exempt, is a
possible answer, but it is conceptually flawed (as the same service will be treated
differently for VAT purposes depending on how the remuneration for it is taken) and runs
19 These concepts are discussed in greater detail in Poddar, S. and M. English (1997) and Poddar, Satya
the risk that there will be some arbitrage between the two methods of charging to lessen
the VAT charge (particularly in the case of supplies to final consumers with no right of
In China, financial services are taxable under their business tax, which is a tax on
turnover with no tax credits allowed on inputs. Because it is a turnover tax, it can be
applied to the total spread for margin services, with no need to allocate the spread
between borrowers and depositors. Israel, and Korea also apply tax in such alternative
Under the Service Tax, India has followed the approach of bringing virtually all financial
services within the ambit of tax where the consideration for them is in the form of an
explicit fee. It has gone beyond this by bringing selected margin services (where the
consideration is the spread between two financial inflows and outflows) within the
Service Tax net. The following are principal examples of such taxable margin services:
· Merchant discounts on credit/debit card transactions are taxable as a consideration for
credit card services, as are any explicit fees or late payment charges collected from
the card member.
· In foreign currency conversion transactions without an explicit fee, tax applies to a
deemed amount of consideration equal to 2% of the amount converted.
· The tax applies to that portion of life insurance premiums that represents a cover for
As there are no compelling economic or social policy reasons for exempting financial
services (other than the practical difficulties of defining the consideration for margin
services), it would be appropriate to continue this approach under GST. There are,
however, certain technical flaws in the measurement of consideration that need to be
addressed when switching over to GST. For example, in the case of insurance, the tax
applies to the gross amount of risk premium, while a proper measure would be the
premiums net of any claims (whether the claim is settled in cash or in kind). This can be
accomplished by allowing a credit in respect of any claims paid.
Consideration could also be given to bringing interest margin on non-commercial loans
and deposits within the next net on an aggregate basis, as opposed to for each transaction
separately.20 This could be done by computing the aggregate interest margin and
apportioning it between the margin from B2B and B2C transactions. The B2B margin
could then be zero-rated, and the tax applied to the B2C margin.
In some countries, transactions in gold, silver and other precious metals are also treated
as part of the financial sector, given that these metals are often bought as investments,
and not for consumption. They are exempted from tax. However, unlike the approach
followed in India of applying a reduced rate of 1% to such metals and articles made of
20 For a more complete discussion of the system in India and how it can be modified and extended, see
Poddar, Satya (2007).
such metals, the exemption is confined to only metals of investment-grade purity levels.
Jewellery and other articles made of such metals remain taxable at the standard rate.
6. Treatment of Inter-State and International Trade
Treatment of inter-state and international supplies of goods and services is one of the
most crucial elements of the design of a Dual GST. A set of rules is needed to define the
jurisdiction in which they would be taxable under the destination principle. Further a
mechanism is needed for enforcing compliance to those rules.
The rules can be relatively straightforward for the application of the Central GST.
However, there is a concern that, under a sub- national destination-based VAT, taxation of
cross-border transactions could be a significant challenge in the absence of any inter-state
fiscal border controls. Even if such border controls were to exist, they would be
ineffective for taxation of services, which entail no physical inter-state movement. This
concern has been a topic of increased discussion over the recent years due to the growth
in internet sales and transactions. Cross-border VAT leakage is also a growing concern in
the EU because of the removal of border controls between member countries.
In what follows, we first start with the basic framework for defining the place of supply,
then look at the policy options for ensuring proper compliance. This discussion draws on
Ahmad, Poddar et al (2008) for the GCC Secretariat.
A. Place of Taxation, International Transactions
In virtually all countries, VAT is levied on the basis of the destination principle. For this
purpose, some countries follow the practice of prescribing a set of rules for defining the
place of taxation or place of supply. A supply is taxable in a given jurisdiction only if the
supply is considered to take place in that jurisdiction. An alternative approach followed
by other countries is to first define what supplies are potentially within the scope of the
tax, and then provide criteria for determining which of those supplies would be zero-rated
as exports. The two approaches yield the same result, even though one excludes exports
from the scope of the tax, while the other zero-rates them, having first included them in
the scope. The Service Tax in India follows the second approach.
While the rules and approaches vary from country to country, the basic criteria for
defining the place of taxation are as follows (approaches for taxation of services depicted
in Chart 1):21
· A sale of goods is taxable if the goods are made available in or delivered/shipped to
that jurisdiction (i.e., on the basic of place of delivery or shipment to the recipient)
21 What are discussed below are only the basic concepts. The actual rules can be complex, and highly
varied from one jurisdiction to the next. For a more rigorous discussion of the approaches being followed
in selected international jurisdictions, see Millar, Rebecca (2007).
· A sale of real property is taxable if the property is located in that jurisdiction (i.e., on
the basis of place of location of the property). Services directly connected with real
property are also taxable on this basis (e.g., services of estate agents or architects).
· A supply of other services or intangible property is taxable in that jurisdiction
depending on one or more of the following factors:
o Place of performance of the service
o Place of use or enjoyment of the service or intangible property
o Place of residence/location of the recipient
o Place of residence/location of the supplier
· Special rules apply for certain supplies (also referred to as mobile services) for which
there is no fixed place of performance or use/enjoyment, such as:
o Passenger travel services
o Freight transportation services
o Telecommunication Services
o Motor vehicle leases/rentals
o E-commerce supplies
Chart 1
Place of Taxation
(of supplies other than goods)
Supplies from Business
Established in the Country
Specified Supplies Other Supplies
Tangible Supplies
Location of Supplier
Intangible Supplies
Location of Recipient
Specified Supplies
Place of Use/Enjoyment
Services related to Real Property
Location of Property
International Travel
International Freight
Point of Destination
Location of Recipient
Car Leasing
Short Term: Point of Origin
Long Term: Place of Use
Location of Supplier
Point of Origin of Travel
Point of Destination of Travel
Billing Address +Origin/Destination
In defining the place of taxation of services and intangible property, a distinction is often
made between supplies made to businesses (B2B) and final consumers (B2C). B2B
supplies are generally defined to be made where the recipient is located or established,
regardless of where the services are performed or used. This is particularly the case for
the so-called intangible services (e.g., advisory or consulting services) for which the place
of performance is not important. Thus, all such services rendered to nonresidents become
zero-rated, and subject to a reverse charge in the country of the recipient, which charge is
deductible as long as the recipient is fully taxable. This avoids tax cascading, which
would otherwise occur.
By contrast, B2C services are deemed to be made in the jurisdiction where the supplier is
located. Many B2C services tend to be tangible or physical in nature, e.g., haircuts, and
admissions to place of amusement, which are used/consumed at the place of their
performance. In some countries, B2C intangible services are treated in the same manner
as B2B services, i.e., they are zero-rated when rendered to nonresident customers.
Special rules apply to the so-called mobile services. For transportation services, the place
of supply is defined by reference to the point of origin or destination. In Europe, rail
passenger transportation is taxed based on distance traveled in the taxing jurisdiction.
For telecommunication, e-commerce and satellite broadcasting services, the origin rule
(taxation in the country of the supplier) can lead to non-taxation, and various solutions
have been followed to prevent this. For example, in the EU, e-commerce suppliers to EU
final consumers are required to register and account for tax in the country of their
customer, using a ‘one stop shop’ registration facility, if they wish. This rule is being
extended to intra-EU supplies of telecommunications, e-commerce and satellite
broadcasting from 1/1/2015 to present suppliers obtaining an arbitrage advantage by
setting up their business in a low rate member state. In Canada, a two-out-of-three rule is
followed, i.e., the supply is made in the jurisdiction if the points of origin and termination
are in that jurisdiction, or if one of the points is in the jurisdiction and the supply is billed
to an account in the jurisdiction. The rules for e-commerce are varied, but generally
follow the rule s for telecommunication services. Internet connectivity services are in fact
telecommunication services. Goods and services bought and sold online are generally
taxed on the same manner as those bought offline.
For short-term car rentals, in Europe the place of supply is where the car is first made
available to the customer, regardless of the place of its subsequent use. For long-term
leases, place of supply could depend on the place of use of the vehicle or the residence of
the customer; the EU is adopting such a rule from 1/1/2010 to prevent ‘rate shopping’.
Often, similar rules are adopted for leases and rentals of other goods also.
In addition to the above, there are a variety of other complex cross-border transactions’
for which supplementary rules are required. They relate to global transactions (or master
service agreements) for individual supplies to legal entities of a corporate group around
the world, triangular transactions, supplies among branches and between branches and
head office, and cost reimbursement/ allocation arrangements. The complexity of the
rules for such transactions has been an issue under discussion by working groups at the
OECD, with a view to developing a framework or guidance for uniformity and
consistency in the treatment of international services and intangibles in different
It is recognized that under these rules tax could be charged to nonresident business
customers on supplies of an intermediate nature (i.e., not for final consumption) which
would lead to cascading and create competitive distortions. To address this concern,
many countries have provisions to provide a rebate of the tax charged to business
customers.23 Such rebates can also be extended to non-business customers, e.g., rebates
to foreign tourist for the tax paid on goods bought locally for subsequent export when
they return back.
Generally, these rules apply in a symmetrical manner to define exports and imports.
Thus, where the supply of, say, consulting services by a domestic supplier is zero-rated
because it is supplied to a business located outside the country, the supply of such
services by a foreign supplier to a business located in the country would be taxable as an
imported service. Imports generally attract tax at the customs border. For services and
intangibles, the tax is self- assessed by the recipient under the reverse-charge mechanism.
The combined result of these rules (including the system of rebates for nonresident
customers) is to define the place of destination of services and intangibles as follows:
· For B2B supplies, the place of destination is the place where the recipie nt is
established or located.
· For B2C supplies of a tangible/physical nature (e.g., hair cuts, hotel accommodation,
local transportation, and entertainment services), the place of destination is the place
where the supplier is established or located, which is generally also the place where
the service is performed. For highly mobile B2C supplies of an intangible nature
(e.g., telecommunication, e-commerce and satellite broadcasting services, for which
the place of performance is not linked to the rendering of the service), the place of
supply could be the place of residence of the customer (as for B2B supplies), or the
place where the services are used or enjoyed. But, because it is wholly impractical to
subject final consumers to the reverse charge, in Europe the non-resident supplier is
required to register and account for VAT to customers resident in the European
· Special rules for specific supplies are generally designed to yield a result similar to
that for other supplies. They serve the purpose of providing greater certainty and
clarity in situations where the place of location or residence of the supplier or the
recipient may not be well defined or easily ascertainable at the time of the supply.
22 For discussion of the issues and approaches, see OECD (2004).
23 For example, such rebates are provided under Article XXX. of the EU VAT Directive.
B. Place of Taxation, Inter-State Transactions
An important question in the context of the Dual GST is whether these rules for
international cross-border supplies can be adopted for domestic inter-state supplies also.
Conceptually, there are no compelling reasons to deviate from them for defining the
place of supply at the sub- national level. The only precedent available of a destinationbased
VAT at the sub-national level is that of Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) in Canada.
(The precedent of the EU is different because it is a community of 27 sovereign member
states rather than a single nation made up of a union of states in a federation. The EU
solution of taxing intra-EU B2B supplies of goods and services by means of zero-rating
and then reverse charge accounting in the member state of the taxable recipient may not
be the right answer—and has led to the problem of carousel fraud). Surprisingly, Canada
deviated from these rules in defining the place of supply in a province in one important
respect. In defining the place of supply of services at the provincial level, the primary
criterion used in Canada is the place of performance of the service. Thus, if all or
substantially all of a service is performed in a province, then the place of supply of the
service is considered to be that province, regardless of whether it is a B2B or B2C
supply, and where it is used or enjoyed. There appear to be two reasons for it, which are
also relevant for the design of the Dual GST in India.
First, it is recognized that the place where the supplier or the recipient is established
cannot be defined uniquely at the sub-national level within a common market. A supplier
may have establishments/offices in several States and one or more of them could be
involved in rendering the service. At the national level, the country of residence of the
counter parties to a transaction needs to be determined for direct tax as well as other
regulatory purposes. However, at the sub-national level, such determination is not
necessary, especially where there is no direct tax at that level. The basic rules outlined
above for international supplies cannot be applied in the absence of supplementary rules
for defining the place where the supplier and the recipient are located or established.
Take, for example, an HR consulting firm with offices in several States providing
recruitment services to a corporate entity with operations through India. In this case, the
basic rule of defining the place of supply of the service to be where the recipient is
established cannot be applied as the recipient is established in more than one State.
Second, under the Canadian HST, any input tax paid by a business can be claimed back
as an input credit under the federal GST or the HST regardless of where it is established,
as long as the inputs are used in a taxable activity. Thus, there is no adverse consequence
of collecting the HST on services rendered to businesses located in other provinces. The
HST is integrated with the GST to such an extent that it best fits the description of as a
national GST, not a Dual GST.
Given these considerations, Canada defines the place of supply of services (other than
those subject to special rules) to be the place where they are performed. If they are
performed in more than one province, supplementary rules are employed to determine
the place of supply. The main supplementary rule defines the place of supply/taxation to
be the place to which the employee/officer of the supplier, who had responsibility for
negotiating the service contract with the recipient, reports. In effect, under these rules the
sub- national tax on services is applied on the basis of the origin principle, i.e., where the
services are performed.
The Canadian approach does not appear to be suitable for the Dual GST in India where
the Centre and State GSTs would be harmonized, but not integrated. It would be
desirable to tax B2B supplies of services (and intangibles) in the State of destination, and
not of origin.
Given that any tax on B2B supplies would generally be fully creditable, excessive
sophistication would not be warranted for defining the place of destination of such
supplies. For multi-establishment business entities, the place of destination could be
defined simply as the place of predominant use of the service. Where there is no unique
place of predominant use, the place of destination could be simply the mailing address of
the recipient on the invoice, which would normally be the business address of the
contracting party. The risk of misuse of this provision would be minimal if it is limited
to B2B supplies where the tax is fully creditable.
For B2C services, the tax should apply in the State where the supplier is established,
which, in turn, could be defined as the place where the services are performed. Where
there is no unique place of performance of the service, the place of taxation could be
defined to be the State where the supplier’s establishment most directly in negotiations
with the recipient is located. This would be similar to the Canadian rule.
C. Taxation of Imports by the States
In most countries, imports attract the VAT/GST at the time of entry into the country.
The tax is generally applied on the value of goods declared for customs purposes,
including the amount of the customs duty. However, there are no well-established
precedents for the application of sub-national taxes to imports. In India, the Centre
levies an additional duty (called the special additional duty) on imports at the rate of 4%,
which is meant to be in lieu of the state VAT. This duty is allowed as a credit against the
central excise duty on manufacturing or refunded where the imports are resold and the
State VAT is charged on them.
In Canada, the provincial HST is collected by the Customs authorities on noncommercial
importations of goods. The tax is collected at the time of importation on the
basis of place of residence of the person importing the goods, regardless of where the
goods enter the country. Commercial importations do not attract the provincial HST
because of difficulties in determining their destinatio n within the country. For example, a
large consolidated commercial shipment could contain goods that are initially destined to
a central warehouse, for subsequent distribution to various parts of the country.
The Canadian system is conceptually appealing and could be considered for the
application of State taxes under the Dual GST in India.
D. Monitoring of Inter-State Supplies
We turn now to the design of a suitable mechanism for payment and collection of tax on
inter-state supplies. As noted earlier, there is a concern that a sub- national destinationbased
VAT could be subject to substantial leakages in the absence of effective inter-state
border controls. Many policy prescriptions have been made to deal with the issue, but
none implemented so fa r at the sub-national level. 24
In our view, these concerns are exaggerated, especially under a dual GST, harmonized
between the Centre and the States and across the States. It is possible to design suitable
mechanisms for proper application of tax on inter-state supplies, without resorting to
border controls. The current border controls for goods, in the form of inter-state check
posts have not been effective in the past. Border controls would not even be feasible for
services and intangibles, which involve no physical inter-state movement.
As noted by Bird and Gendron25, under a dual GST, the application of the Centre GST to
all domestic supplies would automatically serve as an audit control for reporting of inter-
State supplies for purposes of the State GST. The aggregate of the turnovers reported for
the State GSTs must equal the total turnover reported for the Centre GST. Dealers can
misclassify the turnover to different States, but would not be able suppress the turnover
for State GST below the level reported for the Centre GST. Where the GST design, rate
and the base is harmonized across the States, the dealers would have little incentive to
misclassify the turnover. Under such a system, the focus of the authorities should be on
proper reporting of the total turnover, not inter-State turnover.
Notwithstanding the above, a mechanism is needed for proper application of sub-national
tax on inter-State supplies of goods as well as services. For reasons outlined elsewhere26,
zero-rating of inter-State supplies is not advisable. Instead, the preferred approach would
be to require the vendors to collect the destination state GST on inter-State supplies (of
goods and services) and remit the tax directly to the destination state. The tax would then
be creditable in the destination state under the normal rules, i.e., if it relates to inputs for
use in making taxable supplies.
This mechanism, referred to as Prepaid VAT (PVAT), is similar to the mechanism of the
CST. Under the CST, the tax on inter-state sales is charged and remitted to the origin
state. Under PVAT, the tax on inter-state supplies would be charged and remitted to the
destination state.27 It preserves the destination principle of VAT. Vendor in the origin
state collect tax on all of their domestic supplies, whether intra-State or inter-State. The
24 See, for example, McLure, Charles (2000):, Keen, Michael and Stephen Smith (2000), and Poddar, Satya
25 See Bird and Gendron (1998).
26 See Poddar, Satya, Eric Hutton, (2001).
27 The PVAT mechanism as originally developed by the authors entailed a prepayment of the destination
state VAT before the goods are shipped. However, under a harmonized Dual GST, such prepayment may
not be necessary. There would be enough safeguards in the system to enforce payment of tax on inter-state
supplies at the same time as on intra-state supplies.
tax collected on inter-state supplies would be that of the destination state and remitted to
that state by the vendor. On intra-state supplies, the tax collected would be that of the
origin state and paid to that state.
Buyers who are GST registrants (in B2B transactions) would have a strong incentive to
ensure that the vendor properly applies the destination tax, which would then be
creditable against their output tax in the state of destinatio n. Otherwise, the goods would
be subject to the tax of the origin state, which would not be creditable in the state of
Most supplies of services and intangibles to consumers and other exempt buyers (in B2C
transactions) would be taxable in the state of origin, without the benefit of zero-rating.
However, inter-state shipments of goods to consumers would be zero-rated in the state of
origin and attract the tax of the destination state (including, for example, mail order
supplies of goods). An inducement could be created for consumers also to ensure that the
vendor charges the destination state tax on such shipments. This could be done by
imposing a self-assessment requirement in the destination state on any inter-state
purchases on which the vendor has not charged and remitted the destination state tax.
The PVAT mechanism establishes the output-tax-and- input-credit chain for inter-state
transactions and, thereby, strengthens the audit trail property of the VAT system. Unlike
the system of zero-rating, it creates strong incentives for both the origin and the
destination states to monitor compliance independently of each other, as revenues of both
are affected by the zero-rated sales declared by the vendor. This is a unique feature of
PVAT, and perhaps it is most significant. Under the traditional system of zero-rating, the
quantum of zero-rated sales reported by the vendor affects the revenues of the origin
state, but not of the destination state. PVAT creates a simple and effective link between
the two.
7. Harmonization of Laws and Administration
The need for Centre-State and inter-State harmonization is paramount under the Dual
GST. The ultimate goal would be a unified base and one set of rules for the two taxes.
What should be the mechanism for achieving this harmonization? Different options have
been adopted in other federations or trading blocks. At one extreme is the example of
Australia where the GST is imposed and administered as a single unified tax levied by the
national government. All the revenues from the tax are then distributed to the states.
Another such example is that of Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) in Canada, which is levied
in three of the ten provinces. The tax is levied and administered under a unified law by
the national government, much like the Australian GST. The key difference is in the
revenue allocation system. Under the Canadian system, provincial participation in the
HST is elective, not mandatory. The tax is levied at the national rate of 7 percent (now
reduced to 5%), which is increased by 8% percent in those provinces which have elected
to participate in it. The revenues attributable to the supplementary rate of 8 percent are
then distributed among the participating provinces on the basis of a statistical calculation
of the tax base in those provinces (which approximates the revenues they would have
collected if they had levied a separate tax of their own). In Australia, there is no State
“participation”. The tax is a federal tax that is distributed to the States under a political
agreement. The revenues are distributed as grants to the States, taking into account
factors such as fiscal capacity and need of individual States. In terms of the operation of
the law, the enactment of the law, and the jurisdiction of law, it is exclusively a federal
The system in the Province of Quebec in Canada offers another model of harmonization
of the national and sub-national taxes. Quebec levies a goods and services tax, called
Quebec Sales Tax (QST), the legislation for which follows very closely the model for the
federal GST. The two taxes have the same base, definitions, and rules, but levied under
two separate statutes. To ensure harmonization of administration, the two governments
have entered into a tax collection agreement under which the collection, administration
and enforcement of the federal GST is delegated to the provincial government. The
agreement defines the role and responsibilities of the two governments and the policies
and procedures to be followed in administering the tax. The federal government retains
the power to make any changes in the legislation and to issue rulings, and interpretations,
which are adhered to by the province in administering the federal GST. In practice, the
province accepts the federal rulings and interpretations for both GST and QST, given the
similarities in the two statues.
The EU model is yet another example. This model is quite distinct from the Australian
and Canadian models. The focus in the EU model is on minimization of distortions in
trade and competition, and not on harmonization of administration. Thus, the VAT base
(subject to continuing derogations) is harmonized, as are the basic rules governing the
mechanism and application of VAT (time of supply, valuation, place of supply etc). The
rates are harmonized only within broad bands (e.g., the standard rate may not be less than
15%) and administration is largely a matter for the member states to decide (but must
respect basic principles such as neutrality).
As noted earlier, the CST in India also offers an interesting model of the harmonization
mechanism. The CST law is central, but the tax is administered and collected by the
States. Indeed, this appears to be most suitable model for India. The GST law for both
the Centre and the States would be enacted by Parliament under this model. It would
define the tax base, place of taxation, and the compliance and enforcement rules and
procedures. The rates for the State GST could be specified in the same legislation, or
delegated to the State legislatures. The legislation would empower the Centre and the
States to collect their respective tax amounts, as under the CST.
If the governments fail to reach a political compromise on the CST model, the Quebec
model would appear to be the next best alternative. It respects fiscal autonomy of the two
levels of government, yet facilitates harmonization through the mechanism of binding tax
collection agreements between the Centre and the States. These agreements would, in
turn, encourage adoption of a common GST law.
The Centre can play an important role of providing a forum to discuss and develop the
common architecture for the harmonized administration of the two taxes. It would have
responsibility to develop policies and procedures for GST, in consultation with the
Empowered Committee, e.g., on the place of supply rules, taxpayer registration and
identification numbers, model GST law, design of tax forms and filing procedures, data
requirements and computer systems, treatment of specific sectors (e.g., financial services,
public bodies and governments, housing, and telecommunications), and procedures for
collection of tax on cross-border trade, both inter-State and international. The proposal
made by the Empowered Committee (for delegation of administration of the Centre GST
for smaller dealers to the States) is very similar, even though the contractual framework
for it is yet to be developed.
8. Conclusion
The Empowered Committee describes the GST as “a further significant improvement –
the next logical step - towards a comprehensive indirect tax reforms in the country.”
Indeed, it has the potential to be the single most important initiative in the fiscal history
of India. It can pave the way for modernization of tax administration - make it simpler
and more transparent – and significant enhancement in voluntary compliance. For
example, when the GST was introduced in New Zealand in 1987, it yielded revenues that
were 45% higher than anticipated, in large part due to improved compliance. Its more
neutral and efficient structure could yield significant dividends to the economy in
increased output and productivity. The Canadian experience is suggestive of the potential
benefits to the Indian economy. The GST in Canada replaced the federal manufacturers’
sales tax which was then levied at the rate of 13% and was similar in design and structure
as the CENVAT in India. It is estimated that this replacement resulted in an increase in
potential GDP by 1.4%, consisting of 0.9% increase in natio nal income from higher
factor productivity and 0.5% increase from a larger capital stock (due to elimination of
tax cascading)
However, these benefits are critically dependent on a neutral and rational design of the
GST. The discussion of selected issues in this paper suggests that there are many
challenges that lie ahead in such a design. The issues are not trivial or technical. They
would require much research and analysis, deft balancing of conflicting interests of
various stakeholders, and full political commitment for a fundamental reform of the
Opportunities for a fundamental reform present themselves only infrequently, and thus
need to be pursued vigorously as and when they do become available. As the choices
made today would not be reversible in the near future, one needs a longer-term
perspective. Achieving the correct choice is then a political economy balancing act that
takes into account the technical options and the differing needs and constraints of the
main partners. Fortunately, there is a very substantial consensus among all stakeholders
in the country for a genuine reform. In the circumstances, an incremental or timid
response would be neither politically expedient, nor would it serve the needs of India of
the 21st century. Experience of countries with modern VATs, such as New Zealand,
Singapore, and Japan suggests that a GST with single-rate and comprehensive base can
be a win-win proposition for taxpayers and the fisc alike.
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